Hey there, Hessian! { Burlap Beauties }

By The Celebration Team 05 Jul, 2016

Hey there, Hessian! { Burlap Beauties }

Hessian, or burlap, is a big favourite among nature loving brides, as it perfectly captures the essence of a rustic wedding theme. Burlap bags on the other hand are highly practical and can be applied in a number of ways.

For starters, we love the idea of spoiling your female guests with a hessian shopping bag – incredibly reusable and eco-friendly! Mini bags can also be used to wrap little plants and succulents for transportation after the reception. When it comes to the dessert table, consider mini hessian bags which guests can fill up with sweets.

Nowadays blank hessian bags can be purchased at just about any crafts shop. Armed with a glue gun, you can personalise these bags to fit right in with your wedding theme. For instance, or sew on a couple of buttons that are in line with your colour scheme.

Another excellent alternative is to decorate the bag with an ink stamp that reflects the theme of your wedding. Perhaps birds or deer are prevalent throughout your day, or maybe you had an ink stamp created with your monogram that will work just perfectly! Then again, if it’s easier, simply attach a tag with a personal thank you message.

Original images and their credits available on Pinterest