It’s a Wrap! { Bouquet Decoration }

By The Celebration Team 03 Jul, 2013

It’s a Wrap! { Bouquet Decoration }

Every rose has a thorn or twenty, so just imagine the bridal bloodbath if the bouquet stems are left unwrapped! Aside from the practical aspect, bouquet wraps are a stunning way to add a touch of your own personality to that of Mother Nature’s. The key however, is to keep it simple so as not to overpower the flowers in the actual bouquet.

  • Use a long length of lace or lace ribbon to wrap around the base of the bouquet.
  • For a more rustic bouquet, use burlap or twine to keep the stems of the flowers together.
  • Take a piece of ribbon that matches your colour scheme and wrap it tightly around the base – either wrap the stems up completely or loosely twist the ribbon around the base to leave parts of the green stems exposed.
  • Wind a strand of pearls around the flower stems or use diamanté string to add a hint of contemporary elegance.
  • Wrap the base in paper, for instance old yellowed newspaper, a sheet of music, a copy of your wedding vows or a page out of your favourite book.

Once you’ve wrapped the base, it’s time to start adorning it with prettiness!

  • Tap into your nostalgic side by decorating the wrapping with a mini picture of a family member, a vintage brooch or any other family heirloom.
  • Add a touch of colour by decorating the wrapping with an assortment of beads or buttons. Alternatively, thread the beads onto a piece of wire and wrap that around the base.
  • Write both your and your spouse’s initials on the wrapping, and maybe draw a primary school heart around it, just for laughs.
  • Tie a small silver charm around the stems which you can attach to your charm bracelet after the wedding, as memento of this big day.

For more Wedding Bouquet Wrap inspiration, the original images above and their credits, make sure to check out this Pinterest Board!